Our inaugural Global Education Summit was attended by 1,317 global educators from 190+ K-12 schools and 60+ higher education institutions—across 66 countries. Thank you for participating in the Summit and for being enthusiastic partners in reshaping the future of global education, together. As our opening keynote, Dr. Borhene Chakroun of UNESCO, said: “This is our chance to work together to find new solutions not explored in the past, and open doors of lifelong learning opportunities to all, and promote the cause of sustainable development and reclaim the dream of leaving no one behind.”
In that spirit, we call on you to utilize your Summit learnings to advance innovation and collaboration within the sector. With more than 66 countries represented, the Global Education Summit’s reach has been truly global—embracing educators from every continent and providing points of exposure in the education and education technology sectors. The connections in education and industry arising from the Summit will further enhance our collective ability to positively impact the next generation of learners.
Planning for a Summit in early 2023 is underway—we look forward to sharing the date—as well as the Call for Panelists and Partnerships!