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Rosedale Academy and its partner school network across 17 countries recognize the unique potential in each student and are committed to fostering individualized learning pathways along which students can build their academic, and professional, careers. Measuring success with our graduating class places students at the forefront of the conversation and encourages them to advocate for their academic futures, and provide a snapshot of their experience that will ultimately support Rosedale teachers and staff to enhance our diploma program and provide new opportunities that further meet the needs of our student body. Rosedale’s student-centred Transformative Approach to Learning follows the student experience and learning trajectory from high school commencement through to graduation, and into the university application process. Our approach is focused on providing students with a transformative education regardless of where they are in the world, and Rosedale Academy is grounded in the curriculum expectations of the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)—a curriculum globally recognized as a leader in differentiated learning.   

The values and approaches in our Transformative Approach to Learning are innovative, rigorous, and collaborative, and evident across our strategic partnerships with 95 partner schools who are leading secondary schools that share in our approach on a global scale. Fundamental to student success is understanding student perspectives, and as one of our many processes for assessing feedback, we asked our 2022 graduates to enter the conversation about their lived experiences by completing a graduate survey. We asked them to convey their accounts of our program and its learning opportunities, evaluation practices, academic performance enhancement, future preparedness, and more. With a 14% increase in student engagement over the prior academic year, their insights provide us a more accurate picture of our efforts from the student vantage point.  

By the numbers 

Our graduates communicated the successful implementation of differentiated education across all Rosedale Academy partner schools, and acknowledged clear opportunities for their individual academic growth, development, and advancement. A few statistics: 

  • 95% of graduates report well-rounded learning experiences in the collaborative program 
  • 86% feel their learning and course studies in the OSSD program were well-aligned with their own interests, strengths, university and career goals 
  • 86% believe Rosedale’s curriculum supported their skill development in addition to content learning 
  • 84% believe their classroom teachers spent an appropriate amount of time on skill development, in addition to content learning 
  • 90% believe multiple evaluation opportunities throughout the study of an OSSD course, comparing with one big final exam, helped them better demonstrate their learning and achieve higher academic performance 
  • 88% say their academic performance has improved at Rosedale Academy, compared to studying in prior academic programs 
  • 86% feel the Rosedale curriculum and the Global high School Program place special emphasis on developing students’ higher order thinking skills 

Feedback from lived experiences is vital to the success of our students and partner schools, and is well-received by Rosedale. We are proud to learn that 95% of graduates reported well-rounded learning experiences in their diploma program and the overwhelming majority feel supported and prepared for the transition to university. Other key takeaways from the 2022 grad survey include: classroom teachers properly supported graduates’ skill development; graduates were equipped with sufficient knowledge of their desired pathways; diverse evaluation formats in OSSD helped graduates better demonstrate their learning and achieve higher academic performance; and, our graduates are leaving their schools feeling satisfied with the university program offers they have received.  

What our graduates are telling us

We offered our graduates further opportunities to enter the conversation through an open-ended feature in the survey. Their thoughts include:  

“My whole learning experience in the OSSD program has developed my thinking skills and exposed me to real life case studies to analyze issues and come up with solutions in the world.” Learn more about Rosedale’s Transformative Approach to Learning 

“I love my experience with Rosedale. Not only did I learn, but I also had fun with the learning materials. I improved in my stage performance and public speaking. This curriculum helped me to be outspoken and independent.” Learn more about our curriculum and variety of courses that promote personalized learning 

“The Rosedale learning experience has been a fun learning experience for me. It has helped me learn to be hardworking and understand how university life is going to be.” Learn more about our Individual Growth Plan, and how it supports our students.

“It has given me a glimpse of what university life will be like and has helped me prepare.” Learn more about why Rosedale is a great choice for schools and students.

“I highly appreciate the constant emphasis on avoiding plagiarism throughout the program at all costs. The program is very rigorous, however, through constant dedication and motivation one can achieve their expected grade goals.” Learn more about Rosedale’s commitment to academic integrity and our Academic Integrity Month  

“The program was wonderful, the teachers are awesome and I had a beautiful learning environment.” Learn more about our Teacher Training Certificate Program 

“It was a great experience! Prior to OSSD, I was unfamiliar with the concepts of doing assignments and research, as my previous studies’ grading systems were based on just unit exams and the final exam. During the courses, I learned a lot of new skills while doing assignments and presentations, such as, academic writing skills, how to improve my leadership, and most important of all, research skills.” Learn more about Rosedale’s Digital Learning Platform and how it promotes diverse evaluation 

Why we focus on data at Rosedale

Led by Leslie Chan, Director of Academic Operations and Student Success at Rosedale, the data output of this annual comprehensive graduate survey will provide us insight into the student experience and will serve as a benchmark as we continue to collect data that will support the enhancement of curriculum, teaching resources and teacher development, student support services, university counselling, and overall program operations, to support the success of our partner schools and students.

Rosedale Academy creates superior learner experiences and delivers life-changing learning outcomes to students—and we’re ready to support your growth and vision for education. Read more and connect with us on how we can support your global education vision. 

*As of September 1, 2022, Rosedale Academy will be named Rosedale Global High School as part of a corporate and school-level brand update.