Student Success Zhaldy Crispino | Going above and beyond—Zhaldy shows exemplary leadership in both her classroom and community at Rosedale’s first partner school in the Philippines
Rosedale Global High School NetworkRosedale NewsStudent Success Rosedale Global High School announces the Rosedale International Education OSSD Entrance Scholarship at the National University of Singapore
Rosedale Global High School NetworkStudent Success A Rosedale Global High School alum reflects on her transformation into an academically strong and capable university student
Rosedale Global High School NetworkStudent Success This Rosedale grad designed and built his own path to nine elite university acceptances and more than $153,000 in scholarships
Rosedale Global High School NetworkStudent Success This graduate’s global perspective and academic outlook supported her goal to pursue economic development studies at a Global Top 100 University
Rosedale Global High School NetworkStudent Success Enticed by the prestige and culture of Montreal, this Rosedale graduate accepted an offer to McGill—a Global Top 50 University
Rosedale Global High School NetworkStudent Success Rosedale’s OSSD program empowered this student to communicate and think globally
Rosedale Global High School NetworkStudent Success A Rosedale Global High School graduate is prepared to begin his dream program at a Global Top 50 University
Rosedale Global High School NetworkStudent Success From starting a news outlet at her high school to excitedly entering her second year as a journalism student at Toronto Metropolitan University