According to a report published by YouScience, a college and career readiness company, high school students in the United States are leaving their higher education institutions lacking confidence in their next steps. Most high school graduates in this report stated feeling only moderately prepared, or unprepared, for post-secondary school, with more than half switching college majors at least twice and almost one-third not following any specific pathway. Sixty-two per cent of surveyed students in this U.S.-based report expect their high schools to prepare them for their academic futures, however the results indicate their expectations are unmet.
As a global education solutions provider, Rosedale Global High School’s Transformative Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Curriculum prepares students around the world for global citizenship, and creates increased opportunity and awareness for higher education. When asked about transitioning out of their high schools, the overwhelming majority of 2022 Rosedale graduates felt prepared for university and well-informed to make beneficial choices to pursue their desired career paths.
Kenechukwu Ugwunze, 2022 Rosedale OSSD graduate from Nigeria, credits the program for her acceptance and $80,000 USD scholarship into Medicine at St. George’s University. “Rosedale has contributed significantly to my future. In the science courses, we did a lot of lab experiments and projects. The hands-on experiences were really interesting and definitely helped me choose medicine as my career path,” Kenechukwu said.
In collaboration with its partner school network across 17 countries, Rosedale recognizes the unique potential in each student and is committed to providing differentiated learning that follows the student experience from high school through the university application process. One-hundred per cent of our graduates receive offers from global universities—of our 2022 class, 65% received offers from Global Top 100 Universities and 43% from Global Top 50 Universities.
Grounded in the expectations of the Ontario Ministry of Education’s world-renowned OSSD, Rosedale’s curriculum is student-centred and fosters individualized learning pathways along which students have the confidence to advocate for their academic futures and beyond. Our students feel their learning and course studies in the Ontario Secondary School Diploma program are well-aligned with their own interests, strengths, and university and career goals–reducing uncertainty and promoting confidence in the university application process.
Yinuo Hang, 2022 Rosedale OSSD graduate from China, is now enrolled in Humanitarian Studies at University College London–her dream program. “Rosedale really prepared me for UCL, it gave me an understanding of how the world works, making me a global citizen who’s willing to take action to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place,” Yinuo says.
YouScience cites a lack of future-focused conversations with students as a main driver of post-secondary application anxiety. With Rosedale, future-readiness and global citizenship education are incorporated directly into our courses through real-world application and innovation. Students acquire in-depth subject knowledge, integrate their learning in different disciplines, and develop the transformative competencies that allow them to connect to real-world issues and tackle problems with significant economic and social consequence.
“At Rosedale, our goal is to empower our students to take ownership of their own learning journey. We actively engage them in conversations about their futures, encourage them to use their strengths in demonstrating their learning, and help them develop transferable skills we know they will need to be successful at post-secondary,” says Nathalie Rudner, Director of Academics at Rosedale International Education.
Rosedale graduates submit university applications with more confidence in what they are capable of achieving. Empowered by our model and approach, students take ownership of their academics and create life-changing learning outcomes that better equip them in higher education and the rest of their lives.
When asked how the Rosedale OSSD program impacted students on an individual level, our 2022 graduates said: